Bridges and Dentures at Homesteads Dental Care

Searching for a practical solution to missing teeth?

At Homesteads Dental Care, we offer a number of cost-effective solutions including bridges and dentures to get you smiling with confidence.

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The Benefits of

Dentures & Bridges

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Minimally-invasive and no surgery required.

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Fast and affordable treatment

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Long lasting results

Step-By-Step Treatment Plans



Visit Homesteads Dental Care for a full assessment. You will discuss what you want out of your bridge or denture and how you want your smile to look.



Your dentist will prep the appropriate teeth and take impressions which are sent to the dental lab to create your denture or bridge.



After a couple of weeks, you will return to the practice to be fitted with your bridge or denture.



Your dentists will always be on hand to answer any questions and provide you with instructions to look after your new smile.


The most frequent questions, answered!

What are dental bridges?
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A dental bridge replaces a missing tooth or teeth by using the teeth either side of the gap as anchors. Patients lose teeth for a variety of reasons including decay, gum disease and trauma, for example being hit in the mouth while playing sport.

Are there any alternative treatments to bridges?
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Bridges are not the first choice if the teeth either side of the gap are completely healthy, as is usually the case after trauma. As dentists, we are always reluctant to remove enamel from healthy teeth, simply to fit a bridge. The main alternatives are implants or dentures.

How long do bridges last?
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It depends on how well you look after them and also on the type of bridge: the generally quoted average is 10 years.

Do dentures hurt?
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As false teeth are tailor-made to fit your mouth, they should not hurt. They do take some getting used to, and may feel a bit uncomfortable during the first three months as your gums and jawbone adjust to their new shape (if you had some teeth extracted before getting your dentures fitted).

Benefits of Bridges

A dental bridge doesn’t require surgery - unless you have an implant-supported bridge placed, you won’t need surgery to achieve a restored smile.

Bridges are more affordable than implants - budget is something most people consider when it comes to dental restorations.

A dental bridge is more secure than dentures - bridges are secured to other teeth or implants, not the gums.

Dental bridges look and feel more realistic than dentures.

Dentures - Practical replacement for missing teeth

Your dentist at Homesetads Dental Care are experienced in fitting partial and full dentures for patients who are missing some or all of your teeth. Made from acrylic, nylon or metal, dentures are a cost-effective option available privately or on the NHS (limited options). Rest assured that today’s dentures are not like those of decades gone by.

They are more lifelike and comfortable than ever, fitting snugly over your gums to restore your smile and counteract any problems missing teeth can cause – such as trouble eating and speaking.


Unlike other restorations such as implants, dentures need to be removed daily for cleaning. 

Dentures Vs Implants?

Full and partial dentures can be used to replace either a full arc of teeth or a few missing teeth. Dental implants are a method of permanent tooth restoration, usually used to treat 1-2 missing teeth

Pros of Dentures:

Non-invasive – restoring more than 1 or 2 teeth with dental implants can take a long time, and be quite expensive. Dentures, on the other hand, can quickly treat multiple missing teeth without the need for a procedure – and even a full arch of missing teeth. 

Affordable – dentures are typically less expensive than dental implants, and are often covered by dental plans.

Faster – depending on whether you’re receiving a partial or full denture, treatment times are typically faster than that of dental implants. 

What to expect

Take a look at what you can expect when you come in for this treatment.





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Start your smile journey at Homesteads Dental Care